I hope this blog post finds you well? Last month was a bit of a brutal start to the season - I have always been fan of autumn, but the bits I like are the sunny days, the golden light shining through the trees, the stomping through crispy leaves, spotting toadstools, and returning in from the chill for a warm drink. This, however, is not the autumn we have been having so far this year! So, having had encounters so many people finding the autumn a challenge I am here to offer you some very easy ideas to help manage with the dark and cold and wet.

Unfortunately we cannot control the seasons or the weather, so a large chunk of our work here is just to accept that it is dark and chilly and work to balance this out. Like lots of people have said, it feels like November already, so maybe find some fairy lights and candles and light them up, we don’t have to go crazy here, just a few fairy warm fairy lights or a nice candle can make all the difference. I put out my autumn leaf fairy lights in the Yoga Hut for our September Restorative Yoga class, and I have decided to leave them there until Autumn is done now! It is just a little bit of extra light and little bit of extra niceness that helps combat the dark and cold. In Scandinavia where the nights are very long in winter, lights and lighting are one of the most important features used in creating their famous hygge, which is what helps make the extended darkness there bearable!

In terms of yoga practice I recommend warming sun salutations, these bring heat to the body, work all the major muscles and get everything flowing! You can use the Suraya Namaska chant if you like (spotify and you tube both have it) the chant definitely helps to keep focus and flow on through! Or, if the energy is low, pile up some cushions, or use a bolster if you have one – and take a supported balasana (childs pose) hang out there for 5 or 6 minutes and follow it with legs up against the wall for as long as you like! These gentle poses will support the bodies circulation whilst releasing tension from the muscles and activating your rest and digest parasympathetic nervous system response – in other words you will feel pretty chill!

On top of the somewhat brutal start to the season weather wise we also have lots of colds and bugs doing the rounds. Yoga won’t magically protect you from germs, but yoga, meditation, sound baths, restorative yoga and yin yoga will all offer you the meaningful triptych of rest – mental, physical and emotional – and that will unquestionably help reduce stress which in turn can help reduce your chances of becoming burnt out and ill. Studies suggest that oils like Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Thyme contain properties that can help bolster the body's immune defences, making them our friends in the quest for winter wellness. You can use these in a diffuser or oil burner. You could even make a space spray – distilled water (boil and cool) a few drops of one or all of the above essential oils and either vodka or witch hazel! Mix about 50 /50 water and witch hazel / vodka together in a spray bottle with a few drops of essential oil and spritz a couple of sprays where ever you are!

There are some lovely pranayama (breathing!) techniques to support immunity too, but one of the simplest and most accessible is breathing in and out a little slower and deeper and as you do so really focus on the rib cage expanding and contracting, especially if you take a gentle side bend as you do this. The movement is supported by the intercostal muscles that live nestled between your ribs. By keeping these muscles gently stretched and tension free we make sure we can breathe really effectively, which helps us to manage better when struck down with coughs and colds.
Finally, my biggest recommendation – get more rest! We don’t hibernate like some animals (though, personally I think there are sound arguments to be made for it!!) but you will notice that all the animals and plants slow down in Autumn and Winter. There is no growing going on right now - nothing can bloom all year. Instead everything that is not needed is being shed, put aside, leaving the bare bones. When we call all our outward energies back into ourselves this is what we do too, it is not permanent, but it allows space and time to assess and see where effort and energy is going where it might not be needed or valued. Then you can pause, reflect and if necessary redirect that flow of energy to something that serves you better. The trees do not stay leafless all year, the flowers bloom again, but they do so after their rest. We are part of nature - allow yourself to join in with the extra bit of rest, with as little guilt as possible. And if you start to feel guilty about not being productive for half an hour on a rainy afternoon, remind yourself that if it is ok for mother nature to do this then it is ok for you to do it too! My top 3 recommendations for preserving your energy and looking to your wellbeing in this terrible weather are
1) Cosy corner, blanket, favourite drink, candle and a book/hobby of choice
2) Listen to a yoga nidra or guided meditation – there are several dotted through these blogs that are free for you to listen to - again blanket recommended!
3) When it is dry get outdoors, if only for 10 minutes, it is massively beneficial to our mental health. Then, when you get back indoors get a warm drink and break out that blanket again!

If you feel you would benefit from some meaningful, guided seasonal support then try one or all of these events.
Soothing Restorative Sunday – rest in blankets, on bolsters, surrounded by essential oils and fairy lights, with seasonal readings and poems to enjoy deep rest and nourishment for your mind, body and emotions. Be held in a space of stillness, calm and support. 20th October 5pm. Only 3 spaces.
Rest and Unwind – Yin yoga and Yoga Nidra at Earley crescent resource centre: fairy lights, the gentle, long holds of yin yoga working deep into the joints and fascia to release deeply held tension in the body, perfect to help support us in gathering in what we need to see us through the autumn and winter. Followed by an extended guided meditation to aid deep relaxation. With home made cookies to finish – because balance is all in yoga! 11th October 615pm
November Sound Bath – a cosy sound bath to encourage sinking into a deeply meditative state to help clear and clarify thoughts, reduce stress and anxiety and encourage excellent sleep. Lie back surrounded in blankets and enjoy! 22nd November 630pm
Alternative Festive Night out – take a different approach to celebrating Christmas and all the other festivities at this time of year – come and join us to gently move and stretch the body to release tension and discomfort before we settle in for a soothing guided meditation which moves into a sound bath, ending with mince pies and seasonal fresh fruit. A restful festive treat you wont regret in the morning! 13th December 615pm
Oh! And a date for your diary! Emma’s Yoga Hut Mid Winter Retreat Afternoon is BACK! Saturday 11th January. Details soon!
Look after yourself!
With love,
Emma xx
(Emma runs Emma’s Yoga Hut in Earley. A tiny garden studio for small group yoga tuition. She is a yoga student and yoga teacher and has practiced yoga for nearly 30 years. She trained with the Traditional Yoga Association right here in Reading between 2016 and 2018 to achieve her 500 hour yoga teaching accreditation. She has additional teaching qualifications in Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra. She is an accredited Sound Bath Facilitator and specialises in crystal singing bowls. She teaches Chair Yoga classes at local community centres where there is almost always a coffee and a chat after class. She is passionate about getting the beautiful benefits of yoga and meaningful relaxation out to as many people as possible, Emma tries her best to practice yoga every day. It doesn't always happen though!)