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Meet the furry yogis of Emma's Yoga Hut!

Writer's picture: emmasyogahutemmasyogahut

Hello! I hope this blog post finds you well! I was thinking this week about how lucky we are to have the most lovely groups of yogis here at Emma’s Yoga Hut, wonderful people who come by on different days for their yoga practice, every one of them is an absolute delight to practice yoga with, I feel very privileged! But there are 2 yogis you probably haven’t met no matter what class you come to…..I am talking about 2 unusually furry and fluffy yogis….our two pet cats Rhubarb (on the left) and Custard (on the right)

Rhubarb and Custard are lifelong appreciators of yoga. We adopted them from a rescue shelter at 12 weeks old back when they could fit in the palm of my hand. Now they are 4 years old and absolutely MASSIVE! The vet suspects that Daddy cat might have been a Norwegian Forest Cat, hence their huge floofyness. They might be big, but they are softer than the softest bag of super soft marshmallows. Honestly, there are cats half their size in the neighbourhood who the pair of them run away from! They are the absolute living embodiment of scaredy cats.

If you are lucky you might spot them mooching around in the garden whilst we are practicing yoga in the hut. Miss Custard Crumble (below) is the shall we say, rounder, one. She is insanely shy with new people and is a full blown lazy sleep anywhere comedy chonk. Her belly is SO fluffy you can lose your hand in it! If you are incredibly lucky she might deem you not scary enough for a stroke, if so there is NOTHING she loves more than a nice big belly rub, for instant purr, just add strokes!

Lady Ruby Rhubarb (below!) is the more ladylike of the cats. She is a full on yoga loving kitty. She's on the mat every time I roll it out, rolling around and generally getting right royally in the way. Rhubarb is slightly more confident but still a very shy kitty cat, so can be wary of humans too. She is, shall we say more aerodynamic (OK, not as plumptious!) than her sister and has the single most magnificent tail I have EVER seen on any animal! Roll out a yoga mat and she will be there happily clawing and mooching. In fact during lockdown I think every yoga teacher training class or class I attended as a student, everyone got to know Rhubarb!

There is something about yoga and animals, as you may well know if you practice at home and have a pet, start some yoga and somehow any pet is magnetically drawn to you! In fact, someone I know was sat quietly with eyes shut at the end of her yoga practice in her back garden on a lovely sunny morning. She had that sense of being watched, so tentatively opened one eye to check out what was going on. Three cats just in her garden, just watching her. She has no pet cats.

Animals know happy good vibes when they sense them, and yoga vibes are happy good vibes!!

Anyway, Rhubarb and Custard, the unquestionably the furriest yogis of the Yoga Hut. They are sisters and they are completely ridiculous. If you are allergic or just do not like cats do not worry, they are way too shy to bother you! If you do have a love of our furry friends, keep your eyes peeled and you may catch a fleeting glimpse of their Royally Fluffy Highnesses scampering around the garden!

With love

Emma x

(Emma runs Emmas Yoga Hut in Earley. A tiny garden studio for small group and 1:1 yoga tuition. She is a yoga student and yoga teacher and has practiced yoga for 25 years. She trained with the Traditional Yoga Association right here in Reading between 2016 and 2018 to achieve her 500 hour yoga teaching accreditation. She has additional teaching qualifications in Yin Yoga and Yoga Nidra which she subsequently undertook online during the great lockdown of 2020. Emma tries her best to practice yoga every day, even when there is a large furry beast sat in the middle of her yoga mat.)

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